Design of experiments
We are involved with a wide variety of problems of optimal experimental design as well as with applications of the experimental designs in practice. Our recent directions of interest:
Multiplicative algorithms for construction of optimal designs,
Optimal designs in the presence of correlated observations,
Optimal allocation of doses in the dose-finding studies,
Design in multi-centre clinical trials,
Optimal design of computer experiments,
Probabilistic existence theorems in group testing,
Applications in clinical trials and survey studies.
Cardiff Investigators
- Prof. Anatoly Zhigljavsky
- Prof. Nikolai Leonenko
- Dr. Andrey Pepelyshev
- Dr. Jonathan Gillard
Prof. Anthony Atkinson,
Prof. Holger Dette,
Prof. Valerii Fedorov,
Dr. Radoslav Harman,
Prof. Michail Malyutov, Prof. Viatcheslav Melas,
Dr. Luc Pronzato, Dr. Ben Torsney,
Prof. Henry Wynn
Selected publications
- Zhigljavsky A., Dette H., Pepelyshev A. (2010) A new approach to optimal design for linear models with correlated observations. J. Amer. Stat. Ass. 105,
- Zhigljavsky A. (2010) Nonadaptive group testing with lies: Probabilistic existence theorems. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, v. 140, No. 10, 2825-2893.
- Dette H., Leonenko N., Pepelyshev A.,Zhigljavsky A. (2009) Asymptotic optimal designs under long-range dependence error structure. Bernoulli 15,
- Dette H., Pepelyshev A., Zhigljavsky A. (2008) Improving updating rules in multiplicative algorithms for computing D-optimal designs. Com. Stat. and Data Analysis. 53,
- Fedorov V., Jones B., Savani V. , Zhigljavsky A. (2007) Deriving approximations in a random effects model for multicentre clinical trials with binary response. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, v. 37. No. 3, 629-644.
- Fedorov V., Jones B., Jones C. M., Zhigljavsky A. (2004) Estimation of the treatment difference in multicenter trials. J. Biopharm. Statist. 14, no. 4, 1037-1063.
- Fedorov V., Jones B., Jones C. M., Zhigljavsky A. (2005) Multi-center clinical trials with random enrollment: theoretical approximations. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 34, no. 4, 955-985.
- Zhigljavsky A.A. (2003) Probabilistic existence theorems in group testing, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 115, No. 1, 1 - 43.
- Zhigljavsky A.A., Zabalkanskaya L. (1996) Existence theorems for some group testing strategies, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 55, No 2, 151-173.
- Pronzato L., Zhigljavsky A.A., eds. (2009) Optimal design and related areas in optimization and statistics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al., xvi+226 pp.
- Atkinson A.C., Bogacka B., Zhigljavsky A.A., eds. (2001) Optimum Design - 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers, x+306 pp.
- Muller W., Wynn H.P., Zhigljavsky A.A., eds. (1993) Model Oriented Data Analysis, Physica-Verlag, Berlin, xiii+287 pp.
- Ermakov S.M., Zhigljavsky A.A. (1987) Mathematical Theory of Optimal Experiment. Nauka, Moscow, 320 pp. (in Russian).