Optimal Decisions in Applied Statistics
A variety of applications of optimal statistical procedures has been analysed. The list of applications includes:

- Optimal statistical procedures in genome-wide association studies
- Optimal allocation of patients in multicenter clinical trials
- Optimal statistical inference in dental clinical trials
- Optimal multi-stage group testing strategies in drug screening
- Permutation testing in reliability and medical studies
- Dose-finding experiments
- Quality of life in health economics
- Environmental studies
Cardiff Investigators
- Prof Anatoly Zhigljavsky
- Dr Valentina Moskvina
- Dr Vippal Savani
- Dr Jon Gillard
- Dr Andrey Pepelyshev
- Dr Matthew Jones
- Ms Anette Woehl
- Prof Valery Fedorov
- Dr Byron Jones
- Dr Vladimir Nekrutkin
- Dr Nina Golyandina
- Dr Anastasia Ivanova
- Dr Natalia Bochkina
Selected publication
- Nekrutkin V.V., Zhigljavsky A.A., eds. (1999) Statistical Analysis in Clinical Studies. University of St.Petersburg, 342 pp. (in Russian)
- Zhigljavsky A.A., ed. (1995) Oral Care Statistical Studies, University of St.Petersburg, x+205 pp.
- Moskvina V and Schmidt KM (2006) Individual SNP allele reconstruction from informative markers selected by a non-linear Gauss-type algorithm. Human Heredity 62:97-106
- Moskvina V, Holmans P, Schmidt KM, Craddock N (2005) Design of case-controls studies with unscreened controls. Annals of Human Genetics, 69, 566-576.
- Fedorov, V., Jones, B., Jones, C. M., Zhigljavsky, A. (2005) Multi-center clinical trials with random enrollment: theoretical approximations. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 34, no. 4, 955--985.
- Bond B., Fedorov V.V., Jones C.M., and Zhigljavsky A.A.(2001) Pharmaceutical applications of the multi-stage group testing, in: Optimum Design - 2000 (Atkinson A.C., Bogacka B., Zhigljavsky A.A., eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 155-166.