Limit theorems

We study classical and non-classical limit theorems for stochastic processes and random fields with weak and strong dependence, as well as Tauberian and Abelian theorems for the correlation functions and spectral densities of a homogeneous isotropic random fields.

Collaborators: Prof. Florin Avram Prof. Vo Anh Prof. Wojbor Woyczynski Prof. Maria Dolores Ruiz-Medina Dr. Emanuele Taufer Dr. Ludmila Sakhno Dr. Andryi Olenko

Burgers turbulence problem

The Burgers equation constitutes an important example of nonlinear partial differential equations studied in turbulence. We study the macro scaling scenarios for the Burgers equation with random initial conditions and with or without quadratic external potential. These scenarios are in some sense subordinated to the Gaussian white noise random measure.

Collaborators: Prof. Ole Barndorff-Nielsen, Prof. Wojbor Woyczynski, Prof. Vo Anh, Prof. Maria-Dolores Ruiz-Medina, Dr. Ludmila Sakhno

Cardiff Investigators

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