Statistical Modelling in Market Research
Workshop Content
Monday September 14

10.00-10.30 Registration and coffee

10.30-11.00 Opening session

11.00-11.30 Dr. C.Phillips

(London School of Economics)
How to Relate Our Market Research to Our Marketing Problems (I)

11.30-11.45 Coffee break

11.45-12.15Dr. C.Phillips

(London School of Economics)
How to Relate Our Market Research to Our Marketing Problems (II)

12.15-12.45Prof. A.A.Zhigljavsky

(Cardiff University)
Multivariate Statistics in Market Research 

12.45-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.45Prof. G.Goodhardt

(South Bank University)
Understanding Buyer Behaviour: Some Insights from the Dirichlet Model

14.45-15.30Dr. S.K.Sahu

(Cardiff University)
Introduction to Bayesian Statistics and MCMC

15.30-16.00 Tea/coffee break

16.45-17.00Prof. A.A.Zhigljavsky

(Cardiff University)
Analysis of Sales Dynamics 

Discussion and Software Demonstration

Tuesday September 15

9.30-10.15 Prof.  J.Q.Smith

(University of Warwick)
Bayesian Networks in Forecasting of Sales Dynamics 

10.15-11.00 Dr. V.V.Nekrutkin

(St.Petersburg University)
The Dynamics of the NBD/Dirichlet Scheme for Modelling Consumer Behaviour 

11.00-11.30 Coffee break 

11.30-12.15 Dr. P.Manfredi, Dr. A.Bonaccorsi, Dr. A.Secchi

(Universita di Pisa)
Market Heterogeneities in Classical New Product Diffusion Theories 

12.15-12.45Dr. S.K.Sahu

(Cardiff University)
Bayesian Inference in Sales Dynamics Models

12.45-14.00 Lunch 

14.00-14.30 Prof. C.Ioannidis, 
                         Prof. M.Silver

(Cardiff University)
Using Scanner Data to Estimate Quality Changes 

15.00-15.30 Dr. D.Byers,
                        Prof. K.Mathews

(Cardiff University)
Modelling Price Leadership from Marketing Data 

15.30-16.00 Tea/coffee break 

16.00-16.30 Dr. V.V.Nekrutkin

(St.Petersburg University)
Forecasting of Sales Dynamics 

16.30-17.00 Dr. S.K.Sahu

(Cardiff University)
Mover-Stayer Model 

17.00-18.00 Discussion and Software Demonstration


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