Statistical Modelling in Market Research
Cardiff, 14-15 September 1998
The role of statistical data analysis is known to be very important and companies need to conduct detailed analysis of market data when launching a new product or organising a promotion campaign. However in most cases this is restricted to cross-tabulation, computation of some other descriptive statistics and perhaps formal application of standard statistical procedures such as ANOVA for analysing survey sample data and autoregressive models for analysis of the dynamics of sales data. 

In recent years there has been substantial progress in the area of statistical and mathematical modelling of market phenomena. This owes much to fast hardware and software developments as well as growth of knowledge and improved methodology in certain related fields such as financial engineering, Bayesian networks, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, population dynamics modelling. 

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss recent progress in the development and application of statistical and mathematical models of market phenomena. Among the participants are the well-known statisticians and economists Professors J.Q.Smith, H.P.Wynn, D.Peel, K.Mathews, M.Silver, G.Goodhardt, Dr. S.Philips. 

The topics to be covered include: 

        * Design and analysis of survey sampling data 
        * Analysis and forecasting of sales dynamics 
        * Testing stability of market dynamics 
        * Volume forecasting for new products 
        * Modelling of consumer purchase behaviour 
        * Testing effectiveness of an advertising campaign

On the first day plenary introductory lectures for beginners and practitioners will be delivered. 
The second day will be devoted to research presentations and software demonstration. 
    Address for correspondence: 
           Anatoly Zhigljavsky, Professor  
           School of Mathematics, Cardiff University,  
           Senghennydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4AG, UK 

           Telephone   +44 (0)29 20875076 
           Fax               +44 (0)29 20874199

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