
Abstracts can be downloaded from here.

Monday, December 16

Morning session (09:45-12:15): Main Building, Council Chamber (Chairman: A. Atkinson)

09:45-10:30 Registration and Opening
10:30-11:30 H. Wynn: Experimental design and learning with ABCD: approximate Bayes computation design
11:30-12:15 W. Müller: On the limits of the use of OLSE variances for the design of correlated observations

12.15-13.45 Lunch (Main Building)

Afternoon session (13:45-18:15): Room M/0.34, School of Mathematics

13:45-15:45 Optimal design I (Chairman: H. Dette)
B. Torsney: Optimal design, lagrangian and linear model theories: a fusion
J. Lopez-Fidalgo: Construction of optimum designs to discriminate among several non-Normal models
R. Schwabe: Design for mixed models: What is good for all need not be good for everyone
V. Melas: Locally D-optimal designs for a nonlinear multiresponce regression model

Coffee break

16:15-18:15 Optimal design II (Chairman: B. Torsney)
A. Pepelyshev: Optimal design for one-parameter models with correlated observations
B. Bogacka: Optimum dose regimen selection for a target drug concentration
B. Gauthier: Efficient computation of IMSE optimal designs of experiments
K. Usevich: Decomposing multivariate polynomials with structured low-rank approximation

18:30-21:00 Conference banquet. Venue: Tanvir Tandoori
Address: 42 City Road Cardiff, Cardiff CF24 3DL

Tuesday, December 17

Morning session (9:30-12:00): Glamorgan Building, Council Chamber (Chairman: W. Muller)

9:30-10:30 H. Dette: Copulas, quantiles, ranks, and spectra: an L1-approach to spectral analysis
10:30-11:15 Y. Sergeyev: Liptchitz global optimization: an overview
11:30-12:15 N. Golyandina: Singular spectrum analysis as a nonparametric approach to parametric models

12:15-14:00 Lunch (Main Building)

Afternoon session (14:00-18:00): Room M/0.34, School of Mathematics

14:00-15:30 Multi-Objective Optimization (Chairman: Y. Sergeyev)
A. Zilinskas: Multi-objective optimization algorithms based on statistical models of objectives
J. Fliege: Robust multiobjective optimisation
J. Zilinskas: On bounding vectors and bounding fronts in multi-objective branch and bound algorithms

Coffee break

16:00-18:00 Global optimization and game theory (Chairman: A. Zilinskas)
J. Gillard: Matrix Optimization problems arising in matrix low-rank approximation
D. Kvasov: Global optimization algorithms using derivatives and their systematic testing
R. Paulavicius: Balancing local and global information in simplicial global optimization algorithms
V. Mazalov: Equilibrium in bargaining models

19:30-23:00 Conference dinner. Venue: Cafe JAZZ
Participants are advised to make choices from the menu. Please send us your choices asap.

Wednesday, December 18

Morning session (9:30-13:00): Room M/0.34, School of Mathematics

9:30-11:00 Singular Spectrum Analysis (Chairman: N. Golyandina)
K-M. Schmidt: On the perturbative stability of SSA and MSSA forecasts
I. Launonen: Posterior singular spectrum analysis
C. Ioannidis: A statistical problem in econometrics

Coffee break

11:30-13:30 Other topics (Chairman: L. Pronzato)
11.30-12.00 G. Davies: Sampling calibration and experimental design
12.00-12.30 V. Savani: Statistical modelling in market research
12.30-13.30 Y. Sergeyev: Computations with infinite and infinitesimal numbers

Last modified: 2012-12-04
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